From Sungai Tujuh to Sungai Sembilan
Date: 15 Oct 2018
Time: 8:00 – 11:00
Water condition is high after heavy rain.
Participants: Yusop Sulaiman, Jacey Yapp, Arnie Buang, Abibah Nee, Rasidah Hj Ibrahim, Majelah Jarae’e and Musa Musbah.
Recorder: Jacey Yapp
Weather: Cool wet cloudy morning.
We started to do counting just passed the roundabout. There are few yellow vented bulbul seen perching on the wire. There are a number of spotted doves also seen perching on the wire drying their wet wings. It was raining the whole night.
Asian Brown flycatcher. Photo Credit to Yusop Sulaiman
As we drove we saw a pair of pied oriental hornbill. A minutes later another pair joined the first pair. Later another three young’s bird with a pointed beak, an indication of new fledgling's. All together we saw seven hornbills.
Oriental Pied Hornbill Photo By Musa Musbah
After getting few shot of them we move forward as not to disturb their routine of searching for their morning breakfast among the casuarina trees.

Bird-watching in Action
We move slowly searching for the Black shoulder kite, but they are not around. We stopped a while at Sungai Sembilan Duck watching area there is no ducks around. The water is high about 3 feet deep. This is an indication that the ducks will be at the shallow area to the East.
We moved at another area at the east and we found a spot with a number of bird flocking and looking for food. We can hear barbet calling in the distance.
Black winged stilt. Picture credit to Yusop sulaiman
They are the many black wings stints, few egrets and a number of wandering whistling ducks at one of the shallow area feeding. Some Marsh and wood sand piper were seen too. A single moorhen and White browed crake were seen too. Black wing stilt are whistling aloud while we are watching them.
We scan the area further to the tree line. We saw two purple heron, three Oriental darters and a single Changeable hawk eagle. A single white breasted sea eagle flew past toward the west.
We stop counting the bird at 11 pm.
The Bird found:
Yellow vented bulbul – 12
Spotted dove – 44
Collared kingfisher – 11
Oriental-Pied Hornbill – 7
Grass bird – 2
Little egret – 7
Intermediate egret – 1
Black-winged stilt – 42
Woos sandpiper—4
Wandering whistling ducks – 35
Moorhen – 1
White breasted sea eagle – 1
Marsh sandpiper – 1
Barn swallow – Many at the distance tree
Swiftlet are common flying around above us
Whiskered terns flew across to the prawn ponds – 6
White-browed crake – 1
Changeable hawk eagle – 1
Purple heron – 3
Asian brown flycatcher – 5
Asian glossy starling – 20
Lesser coucal – 1
Tri-color munia – 7
Oriental darter – 3
Hill myna – 2
Yellow bitten - 1