Malaysian Plover hiding under a piece of wood in the hot sun.
Perhaps a first record of a breeding Malaysian Plover inKuala Baram lagoon!
This young MP was spotted trying to hide itself amongst the organic flotsam-jetsam on the sand. It's presence was initially alerted by three adults foraging nearby in the same area. An attempt to track and photograph one of the adults fortunately revealed this hiding spot. One of the adult, possibly the mother made an extra effort of circling around in a wide berth of where the young plover was hiding. The baby stayed in one spot for almost an hour after being spotted, confident perhaps of being well camouflaged.
Dogs as well as other more typical predators are probably less kind to this beautiful baby! Habitat destruction as well as predation are perhaps key to the survival of Malaysian Plovers on our beaches.
Our previous sighting of a baby Malaysian Plover was in Tanjung Payung 26th April 2009. Next on the list is a baby MP on the sandy beaches of Similajau!
Nazeri Abghani/ Mar 2010